This one is on public demand! Just kidding... trying to answer the tricky question - money or love?
The problem here is, one can be quantified, the other can't be. Anyone who says money is not important is either lying or has spent his lifetime trying to get it but has failed. The story of sour grapes. Trust me.
Money is necessary, period. The point is, how much? That is the tricky part. I think one can go on and on but still not be able to figure out how much is enough. 50lacs? A crore? 10 of them? I have no idea, even if I have to speak for myself.
But, and there is a but here, why should it be a choice - love or money? Any money acquired beyond a point at the cost of love is just not worth it, if it ever is a choice. Irrespective of whether that point is 5lacs or 50lacs.
Now, on to love side. I have been trying hard but cannot think of anyone who is not loved at all. Every body is, I am sure. Even an orphan would have friends. Love is not a function of relationships. Love is a function of how good a person you are, in absolute sense.
Apart from family and relatives, I am loved by many I know. I love a lot of people. In many senses. Never has any of them been a function of or choice with money. Never ever.
So where is the need for trying to trade off between love and money? If there still comes such a point in my life, would stick to the point I made earlier.
The ultimate objective is to feel happy end of the day. Money helps achieve this to a large extent. Love too does it, but inconsistently I believe. Money can surely help eradicate many problems. Love, I am not very very sure as much as I am about money. Money and love both can multiply by giving. Yes, even money. Finally, they both have to be given to people who deserve them. Or else you will regret it for the rest of your life, especially if it's love.
Pretty Good.
Thanx a lot.
Love when given a name of a relationship becomes a problem.
I feel everybody deserves love but not money atleast not in the same proportion
Thanks DD.
Agree with your point Hari.
I feel it will be round the corner bcos its such a different concept and very catchy
Nice one ... expecting DD to respond with questions or counter arguments .... kya hua ? surrender ?
Na.... Surrender and me Never.
Its just that the points sir has laid down are completely true and i agree to them........
And talking about the core of the debate money or luv,
I guess all the boys would be on the side of money and the girls on the side of Luv.
I would just like to add and clearify where did this debate between me and my frnd originate from........
He was asking that given a choice whether you have to choose amongst your carrier and the one you love whoom would you choose....
And my answer was, that if the person realy loves me frm the bottom of his heart he would never ever lay such a choice in front of me...... AS simple as that....!!!!
And one more thing my name is DDD
Coz i am darshana dilip Deshmukh.
So i am D3.
How broadly is love defined over here?
Is it having the only meaning which DDD has interpreted?
I don't think girls will agree for love and guys for money all the time. There has to be a balance..
money gives you security and the power/ability to do things that one likes..on the other hand love gives you an emotional security. This totally depends on how satisfied one is at the receiving end:)
Money has the ability to strengthen and weaken any relationship..
depending on ur personal has to come to terms with both of these..
I completely agree with Harry..that they both grow when shared..
Hi ! Came across your blog while surfing. Neat stuff. Enjoyed reading it and This one I felt was one of your best post:) Keep up the writing. Will be back :)
Hari - I had not assumed any particular relationship while writing this piece.
Gauri - Happy to see a new reader of my blog. Thanks! :)
[quote]Money is necessary, period. The point is, how much? That is the tricky part. I think one can go on and on but still not be able to figure out how much is enough. 50lacs? A crore? 10 of them?[/quote]
One rupee more than the richest person in this world is sufficient for me.
About love, As per master card advertisement : "There are some things money can't buy .. for everything else there is master card"
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