February 9, 2019

Vicky pleeeej

This has to be the "Line of the year" for 2018 among Hindi movies for me. Yeah sure, there were many other interesting ones. 2019 has already started with nation-wide sensation "Hows the Josh" & "Apna time ayega".

Well, I am back here. It is like visiting our school after decades. Lot of nostalgia. Memories and smiles with lot of pictures coming back to mind. In our heads, it all looks the same. Though a lot has changed.

It is a similar feeling visiting my blog. I used to be super active here. Lost it all. Trying to revive now. Hopefully it all comes back.

Lots have changed since the last time I posted here? On top of that list is the 5 cats that have come into my life. They will get a lot of coverage here going forward. Rest of the things are mundane. More body-weight. Less head-weight. More work. Less travel. More movies. Less books. More reading, less writing. More realizations, less complaints. Yeah I know, signs of getting old. In fact, I am turning one more year older tomorrow!

Any visitors from back then? Am trying to remove the cobwebs here.