June 29, 2009

Sort of come-back?

I have been missing from this world for a while now. Long enough for people to ask whether I have stopped blogging. Long enough for people to wait for my next post. I must say I'm flattered when someone asks me when is my next post coming. While I write to please myself, added adulations from the readers are always welcome. This post is really about nothing. Just to break the jinx of not writing for a while. Also, wanted something for the month :)
A thought has been lingering in my mind. Thought will put it up here. Can a blog really influence minds? Let me be more specific. Does my blog influence minds? I believe to think it does not. Yet there is this eery feeling I get sometimes that it does. Because if it does, the next thought is do I need to be careful about what I write? If yes, will it not kill the essence of this being a personal space?
Apart from these stupid thoughts, nothing else is cooking up in mind. I cannot seem to think through my work. As if I have lost that skill that existed some time. An over-dose of lectures are killing a part of me too. Hoping that this post actually breaks the jinx and starts the flow again.


Vishal said...

bhelcome back to the blogging wayz....v 2 hope this one breaks the jinx.......
n abt influencing minds.....any thing cn influence anyone....depends on the influencee(haha).....so ur blog's no exception....n as far as ur personal views are concerned....i guess they'll alwayz influence minds in a +ve way...........flattered again???????....haha....but this isnt a flattery....mean it...

Pandemonic Scribbles said...

well, this come back post ain't a bunch of stupid thoughts(as you said). in fact it rang a bell in my mind - of influencing people and thereby influencing the way we behave..good post.

Cheena said...

Sir... Be fair to Financial Blog too... Hehe.. ;-)

U No Hoo said...

Thanks! Financial blog.. yeah. Some day!!

nb.. said...

what a come back !!!
3 days and 3 posts...awesome...

this sort of a comeback is most welcome hc :)

welcome back :)

abt people getting inspired by your blog... well what can we say ??.. you should just trust the number of blog followers u have :)

Unknown said...

To be frank ur blog has 2 influences.1)i hear an individual speak,i hear wht his view is ,be it on anything..makes me happy:)(ain't that a positive influnce:)....) how many of us can really hear ourselves(is it d silence quotient wrkin???.:)...2)it sort of helps me hear my own voice at times:)...so keep writin..keep influencin ..keep smiling god bless!!!

Nilima ;) said...

It seems I am late to comment on this posts :(
...but it's o.k. with me, so welcome... :)
Answers to your question would be that " Yes! It does influence minds, but don't worry about being careful because it'll really kill the essence of it being your blog, your posts and your thoughts
...OVER-DOSE of lectures! But we are not getting even our ek lauta lecture of the week days ;)