The Times of India has launched the "Lead India" campaign. It is one of the best initiatives that has come from a media house as far as I remember. The programme gives the selected candidates an opportunity to join politics without dirtying their hands, something that is perceived as the biggeest roadblock towards choosing politics as a career option by youth. The details of the campaign can be found at
For all of us, I hope this campaign gives a genuine opportunity to stop criticizing the system and stand up for the broader well-being of the society.
Among many pre-conditions, one is that the minimum age for this programme is 25 years (in line with the parliamentary rules, I guess). For the time being, hence, I use this as an excuse to continue being very very selfish...
hmmm.. i agree..though haven't ever thought of joining politics,now this campaign gives me my "old age" plans...
Something that I thought I would become when I was young(er) and idealistic. But seriously, its too mucky to get into, right?
Quite agree with you Diviya. Don't see myself doing it ever, to be frank. But am saying this with an element of guilt somewhere...
c'mon guys...if you have the vision of an idealistic india..this is your best bet...take a plunge:)
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