January 26, 2013

Blind Faith!

A little girl was watching her mother prepare a fish for dinner. Her mother cut the head and tail off the fish and then placed it into a baking pan. The little girl asked her mother why she cut the head and tail off the fish. Her mother thought for a while and then said, "I've always done it that way - that's how babicka (Czech for grandma) did it."

Not satisfied with the answer, the little girl went to visit her grandma to find out why she cut the head and tail off the fish before baking it.

Grandma thought for a while and replied, "I don't know. My mother always did it that way."

So the little girl and the grandma went to visit great grandma to find ask if she knew the answer.

Great grandma thought for a while and said, “Because my baking pan was too small to fit in the whole fish”

January 17, 2013


This story is frequently told to be true. Whether true or not, it is certainly powerful.

A man and a young teenage boy checked in to a hotel and were shown to their room. The two receptionists noted the quiet manner of the guests, and the pale appearance of the boy. Later the man and boy ate dinner in the hotel restaurant. The staff again noticed that the two guests were very quiet, and that the boy seemed disinterested in his food. After eating, the boy went to his room and the man went to reception and asked to see the manager. The receptionist initially asked if there was a problem with the service or the room, and offered to fix things, but the man said that there was no problem of that sort, and repeated his request. The manager was called and duly appeared. The man asked to speak privately and was taken into the manager's office.

The man explained that he was spending the night in the hotel with his fourteen-year-old son, who was seriously ill, probably terminally so. The boy was very soon to undergo therapy, which would cause him to lose his hair. They had come to the hotel to have a break together, and also because the boy planned to shave his head, that night, rather than feel that the illness was beating him. The father said that he would be shaving his own head too, in support of his son. He asked that staff be respectful when the two of them came to breakfast with their shaved heads. The manager assured the father that he would inform all staff and that they would behave appropriately.

The following morning the father and son entered the restaurant for breakfast.

There they saw the four male restaurant staff attending to their duties, perfectly normally, all with shaved heads.

January 15, 2013

The Tendulkar habit

Harsha Bhogle on Tendulkar after the latter's announcement to retire from ODI cricket.


The mantra that wasn't

A great emperor asked his wise men to give him a mantra that could be used in any dangerous, fatal situation.

Clueless, eventually they went to a Sufi mystic who gave them a piece of paper and said, “This should not be opened unless there really is danger and there is no more hope!”

The king put the piece of paper under the diamond of his ring.

There were many moments when danger approached, but the Sufi had emphatically said, “Unless you feel this is really the last hope – that nothing can be more dangerous – do not open it!” Many dangers came and went, but the king always felt that he could face it, and that he was not yet at the end of his tether.

Finally, death approached, and the king had still had not opened the piece of paper. His wise men pleaded, “Please open it. We want to see what is there.” But the king said, “It is now irrelevant what is there; the mantra has worked upon me. Ever since I received this mantra, I have not felt any danger at all. Whatsoever the danger was, I have felt still more was possible, and I have remained unperturbed.” The king continued, “That Sufi is a wise man. I am not concerned about what he has written.”

After the king died, his wise men hastened to open the ring and pull out the paper. There was nothing written on it; it was a blank piece of paper. But the advice worked; the mantra worked.

P.S.: May be this is why many people, including "educated" ones follow the "advice" of any religious guru or prophet for success and well-being.