May 21, 2008

Rest in peace

About a week back, I never thought such a thing could occur in my life.

She had been with me for 15 long years. She was more than a companion. Through thick and thin, success and failures, joy and sadness, she helped me see things differently from her perspective, her eyes. People and events made a lot more sense when she was with me. She has helped me through everything. Every moment I was awake, I could not have avoided her presence in my life. Rock-steady that she was, I have been unfair to her many times. Not giving her the respect she deserved, not treating her the way I should have. I have hurt her, left her broken many times. As is the case with most such actions in life, I immediately regretted doing it. For, I was left gasping without activity or movement in life, literally. Could I be dependant on someone so much in life, I kept wondering! Or was I over-exaggerating her presence? I wished I could not be so helpless without her. I could only wish, sadly.

I now remember those joyous moments she had presented me. How she helped me face the world… made me more confident and feel stronger. She was scared of few things… few little things in life. Never let me swim, for instance. But it was too little a sacrifice to make for what she had given me all her life.

And now, she is gone from my life. After 15 long years, gone.. kaput! I could not rehearse, I could not prepare. I could only stare blankly at the doctor when he said I had to let her go. Like a prophet, he added, it’s only for the better. So I must embrace the reality.

What if I need her again? I hope I don’t. Ever... I will learn to live without her. Still, somewhere in my heart, at some point in time, I will keep missing her.

This piece is in fond memory of my spectacles. I started using contact lens yesterday. Hehe.. :)


A Girl........... said...

hey Mr u no hoo u scared me till the second para...seriously i mean it.. x(

U No Hoo said...

Till the second para only? What gave it away in the third? The intention was obviously to keep the suspense on till the last line! Apologies for scaring you though..

Anonymous said...

didnt expected such an end....

A Girl........... said...

well sorry was in hurry i mean to write till the 3 para. u really took the hell out of me seriously Mr u no hoo..

Vaidehi said...

Hahaha...Welcome to the league of 'us lens-users'. Will definately have to c "ur new look". Are any more changes also to be expected?? :) :)

U No Hoo said...

I am shocked to see how disastrous I look without specs! Regarding more changes, will probably sport a completely bald look some time soon!!!

hariharan said...

but the spectacles r not completely gone.U will be using them for some time in the day.It will not be used with the same frequency
i was expecting something very silly so was not surprised by the end.I thought u have gone for lazer operation or something

PNA said...

Imagination par excellence!

Nilima ;) said...

Thank GOD, you ended soon atleast before my heart come out from my mouth.
That was very unfair, you really horrified me. I think you must give a cautious note at the start of such wicked posts, that HEART PATIENTS and SMALL KIDDOS ;) must avoid reading it or must read under medical supervision or with elders only:)