October 5, 2009


Who decides a man's worth? Himself? Family? Friends? The world around?

What decided a man's worth? Looks? Knowledge? Money? Contacts? Ambitions? Achievements?


Pandemonic Scribbles said...

Deciding a man's worth? Now that's good-food-for-thought.

I think none other than man himself can determine his worth by measuring his karma,which reflects one's thoughts and values. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Hence it can prove to be a good indicator of one's worth.

U No Hoo said...

But do we really experience this? How many of us live by rules and principles set by us?

Pandemonic Scribbles said...

Well none of us, including me, consistently live by our rules which are meant to be broken..Man alone, has to decide where he can break the rules and where he has to follow them depending on the depth of the situation he is in. And that,according to me,frames his Karma which in turn can prove his worth.

Vishal said...

i think ultimately its the world and the Achievements that decide the worth of an individual.....